Great, Greater, Greatest 6-24-22

Good morning. Who was the greatest baseball player who ever played? Babe Ruth, Ted Williams, Ty Cobb? Those are some names that go way back, and you could make an argument for each of them. You could definitely add a good many other names to the list for discussion and argument. How about if the question was in regards to a singing voice? The greatest operatic soprano or tenor, or would you argue for a performer with a different style and training?

We could have grand discussions on a long list of topics when the question is, “who is the greatest _______________________”? You need to fill in the blank with your chosen category.

But what if we aren’t going to use categories? What if the question isn’t “who is the greatest baseball player” or “who is the greatest singer” or “who is the greatest physicist, or mathematician, or physician, or_____________________”? What if the question is more basic and only asks, “Who is the greatest?”

If that is the question, the answer is actually much easier for us to agree upon. At least it is for all persons who know God the Father, Son, and Spirit. For no other name is as worthy as is His name. No other being is as awesome, wonderful, powerful, and complete as is He.

When Peter’s mother-in-law was dying, He spoke a word and she was well. When they had fished all night and caught nothing, He instructed them, and the catch was overwhelming. When the wind howled, and the waves threatened to sink them, He waved His hand, gave a command, and the wind and sea became still. When His friend Lazarus had been dead four days, He commanded that the tomb be opened and that the dead arise, and it was so. When His time on earth was finished, He stated to His followers, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me.” Matthew 28:18

When all of mankind was lost and without any power to change our eternal destiny, a destiny that meant all of us were bound for hell, He suffered, and He died, and He rose again. He provided the victory over death and freedom from the curse of sin.

We read the truth of Him in Colossians 2:9-10 “For in him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily. And in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.

Who is the greatest? The answer is Jesus, and there isn’t really any question about it.
