Good morning. Sunday, our day of worship and praise. It is a day waiting to be a blessing to all who will humbly connect with God the Father, Son, and Spirit. As we consider the blessing of this day, please also remember that descriptive title of God, that single word which tells us so much about who He is and about our relationship with Him.
That word is “Lord”.
Jesus asked those around Him, “Why do you call Me “Lord, Lord,” and not do what I tell you to do?” Luke 6:46
We should approach this day of worship with a clear understanding of who is our “Lord”. We should understand that to call Him “Lord” is to say that He is the boss. It is to say that His will is supreme in our lives. Therefore, worship must be a humble experience, even as it is uplifting and fulfilling. Our worship is His possession, not ours.
As we make our plans for this day, we should remember that it is Jesus who is guiding our path. It is Jesus whose love for us is proven beyond measure. It is Jesus whose will for us is peace in this life and His glory for eternity.
When we embrace Jesus as Lord, we are taking a deep breath and allowing Him to carry the load. We are recognizing that He is able and that we are not.
He is Lord. He is our living hope. He is the fountain of mercy and grace. He is first born from the dead, winning that victory for all who come to Him for Life. He is Lord!
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 1 Peter 1:3
May the Lord bless your worship today!