Good Morning.
It is a blessed Lord’s Day, a day of fellowship and of worship. I would like to share with you a glimpse of a couple of guys who are working especially hard at their worship.
One of the guys is on a ladder. He is carrying shingles up the ladder and handing the bundles to the other fellow who is on the roof. They were doing this work at Pine Haven Christian Assembly where they were joined by a great group of other servants of our Lord in getting the camp ready for this coming season. Pine Haven, a place that teaches our children to be strong, loving, confident, and caring people. The two guys being mentioned are not being paid for their labors. They, and all those around them, are volunteers, giving their time and energy in service to the Lord. They are working hard because they care, and they want our kids to have the tools needed to grow strong and righteous, maintaining spiritual integrity in a dark and sinful world.
This past week we enjoyed a wonderful VBS. We were led by Sue Hamberg, to whom we owe our grateful thanks, but there were many who gave their time and efforts to bless the children who gathered each evening.
This morning (Saturday) a group of our NLCC men labored to install a new security system for our church. At the same time several of our ladies were serving the Lord in an expression of love for Liana Schallock in a bridal shower.
I could go on, but I think you get the idea.
Yes, we worship when we come together on Sunday mornings to sing and lift our praise to God, the King of Glory. We worship as we consider His Word and how to apply it to our daily walk that we too may live more righteous lives of spiritual integrity.
But never forget that all that we do in the Name of the Lord, to Honor Him, to advance His glory, all that we do in His glorious Name is an act of worship and praise.
Jesus answered, “’Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Luke 10:27
Loving the Lord your God with all you have within you, now that is worship!