When You Need a Hero 9-28-21

Good morning. I’m going to get started this morning with an old joke. I am not saying it is a great joke, just that it is old. 😊

Years ago, an oil refinery located at the edge of a small city caught fire. The blaze sent flames hundreds of feet into the air, and it was apparent that before too long the fire would reach the fuel storage tanks. When that happened, there would be an explosion that would likely damage and destroy much of the surrounding area, including the small city. Fire departments from the city and the towns in the area had withdrawn to a hilltop a safe distance away. When it seemed that all was to be lost, they watched in amazement as a single fire engine raced down the steep hill towards the fire. The truck was moving so fast that it swung back and forth, nearly tipping over. But it made it down the hill and the firetruck slid to a stop near the inferno. Immediately, a single fireman, a veteran of several year’s service to the community, jumped out and began to fight the fire. This inspired all of the other firemen and fire departments that were present, and together they too hurried down the steep hill to fight the fire. Against all odds, and with truly heroic effort, they brought the fire under control. Later, the mayor ordered a special celebration to honor their firemen, and this man who had inspired them in particular. The mayor gave the man a medal and asked him if there was anything else the city could do to show their appreciation. “Well,” the old fireman said, “I was in engine #3 and I am telling you, that truck sure could use a new set of brakes!”

I suppose that if the topic is heroes that story may not be the best one to tell. But the truth of the matter is this: from time to time we need someone to act courageously, selflessly, heroically, to inspire us. From time to time, we need someone to cheer.

Consider this true story of real heroes. In 1952 Richard Wurmbrand and his wife Sabina were imprisoned in Romania for defying the communist edict against Christianity. Richard refused to quit sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ. Sabina refused to quit caring for the abused and hopeless people around them in the name of Jesus. They were arrested for their faith and imprisoned. Sabina spent four years in prison for her acts of Christian kindness. Richard spent 14 years of hardship, beatings, torture, and starvation in the Romanian prisons. But they survived. Their young son, Michael, had been cared for by Christian friends in their absence. In the third year of her imprisonment, Sabina’s son, who was 9 at the time, was allowed a brief visit. When he saw his mother, he couldn’t recognize her. She was filthy, and so thin and fragile she was nothing like his memory of her. But then she cried out to him. “Michael! Believe in Jesus, Michael! With all your heart, believe in Jesus!” Those were the wrong words to say in front of the guards, and they began to beat her as her son was dragged away.

A year later Sabina was released. She and Michael continued to share the love of Jesus in the dark world of communist Romania. When Richard was finally released, he too began to share his testimony, and preached the Good News of Christ, telling all who would listen that the love of Jesus would conquer every hardship. They survived, even though they saw several of their friends who were Christians killed for their faith.

Because his testimony was so powerful, Christians in Romania convinced Richard that he needed to leave their country and go to America, a place where he could share his testimony and tell people about Jesus and how his Lord had sustained him through a 14 year nightmare.

Richard, Sabina, and Michael Wurmbrand did make their way to America. They began a ministry that would soon grow and become a world-wide voice of hope for imperiled Christians. Their ministry is called “Voice of the Martyrs” and it continues to powerfully impact the world for Christ. It is a mission that New Life Christian Church is proud to support.

That is a true story, no joke. Those are true heroes of faith, inspirations to us all.

Praise God for everyday heroes, the people who inspire and convict us in the name of Jesus!
