Good morning. Have you ever thought about the worship life of Jesus? We read in Luke 4:16 And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. And as was his custom, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and he stood up to read.
Going to the synagogue for the purpose of worship was “His custom.” Jesus made it abundantly clear that He and the Father were One. Even as Jesus walked among mankind, even when He was fully flesh and blood, even when He was able to be tempted and tried in every way that we are tempted and tried, Jesus was always God. How is it then that Jesus who is God worshiped God?
When Jesus was born into this world He was immediately worshiped. The angels sang songs of praise and worship, sharing their joy with the shepherds. The shepherds hurried into town to find the stable wherein lay the Christ child. When they found Him, they worshiped Him. The magi traveled from far away seeking the newborn King of Kings. When they came to the house where Joseph, Mary, and Jesus were staying they gave Him gifts and immediately began to worship. When Jesus calmed the wind and the waves the disciples went from terror to worship. When Jesus cried “It is finished!” and breathed His last, the Centurion at the foot of the cross declared that He was the Son of God in words of worship.
How then, why then, does one for whom worship is so well deserved, also worship?
It is because Jesus was fully human, completely one of us, even though His deity never left Him. Jesus, more than any other who has ever been human, knew the Father. Jesus knew the fullness of God’s glory and knew that He must be worshiped.
For Jesus, worshiping was never a duty, it was the natural response of One who knows the Father intimately. For Jesus, worshiping God was like breathing, natural and inevitable. The question isn’t why should Jesus worship, the question is how could He not?
Jesus has once again revealed the truth, this time about the nature of worship. We too are to know the Father and to love Him. We are to love the Father and to worship Him, as did our Lord Jesus.