What If 10-16-23

Good morning. What if…when we meet someone with whom we are friendly but not necessarily friends, we say something like “Hi, how are you doing?” This is polite and expected, so all is well. But if it is someone with whom you are being cordial but not really caring or interested, do you really want them to answer your question? What if the response was, “Oh, well I have a boil on my back and a fungus on my foot. Thanks for asking!” I can imagine an awkward silence might be offered in return.

What about our usual words spoken when we go our separate ways? Typically, they go something like, “Well, have a good day.” The proper and expected response is something like, “You as well. Hope to see you again soon.”

But what if…what if what was said to us wasn’t “Have a nice day”, but instead, “Hope you have the day you deserve!” How would you take such a sentiment? Would you consider those words friendly, or more of a threat?

With that in mind, please consider with me today the verses of scripture commonly referred to as the fruit of the Spirit, from Galatians 5:22-23:

 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. 

What if…the fruit of the Spirit were to be evidenced in words of greeting or our wishes for one another as we say goodbye?

What if…for every person, whether friend, foe, or casual acquaintance you were to train yourself to take a moment to consider a fruit of the Spirit that you would like to give them to make an impression at that particular time?

Can you think of someone with whom you would like to leave an impression of God’s love? Or how about His peace, or joy, or patience? Would you like to leave a thought of kindness, or of goodness, or faithfulness, or gentleness, or self-control?

Is it possible to give such an impression when only given a moment to do so?

What if…your smile was genuine? What if…your words were honestly kind and gentle? What if…the Lord’s love was so abundant within you that it can’t help but be a part of your words?

What if…”I hope you have the day you deserve” could be taken as a compliment? If your life is a reflection of the fruit of the Spirit, wouldn’t that be true?

Something to think about.
