Good morning. Psalm 81:7 says, “I answered you with thunder.” Now that is an answer that would be difficult to ignore! What does it mean for God to answer out of thunder?
The context of that statement is about the attitude we get from time to time when we consider what it means to be people in submission to the will of God. Sometimes, we can get a little full of ourselves and say or do things that are…unfortunate.
This is what happened when Moses was listening to the never-ending complaints of the Israelites in the wilderness. They had been saved from slavery, and they had witnessed miracle after miracle before their release and after. But they refused to trust in God, and instead they whined constantly. In this case, they were convinced that they would die because there wasn’t water in the wilderness where they were being forced to wander. Their complaints were directed at Moses, the one God had chosen to lead them. God told Moses that to give the people the water they needed he must lift his staff and strike a rock, and it will pour out water. Numbers 20:8
Moses lifted his staff, struck the rock, and watched as water gushed out of it to care for the needs of the people. There was only one problem. As he did so, Moses said: “Listen you rebels, must we bring water for you out of this rock?” Numbers 20:10
Moses took credit for the miracle, indicating that it was Aaron and himself who had provided the water. The people had their needs met, but the Lord said to Moses: “Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me as holy in the sight of the Israelites, you will not bring this community into the land I give them.” Numbers 20:12
This is the event turned into song in Psalm 81. This is the event that God says, “In your distress you called and I rescued you, I answered you with thunder. I tested you at the waters of Meribah.” Psalm 81:7
What will be our test today? Will God challenge us to step back and to give Him the glory? Will we be tempted to take credit for the blessings which come to us and our loved ones?
In all things, give God the glory. For in all things, God deserves the glory. We don’t want to hear His answer booming from the thunder.