Weird Thoughts (and One Great Truth) 06-14-23

Good morning.  My thought for the day seems to be a bit scrambled. That’s OK though… what was I talking about?

Some thoughts about losing weight:

My #1 resolution for 2023 was to lose 20 pounds. We are halfway through the year and I only have 30 pounds to go!

In honor of my diet, I ate a salad for dinner last night. It was mostly croutons and tomatoes. Okay, it was one big, round crouton and the tomatoes were squished into a sauce. I threw on some cheese too, and a few little round pieces of meat. Fine…I ate a pizza!

I found the perfect way to prepare diet foods like kale and tofu. You wrap the tofu in the kale, throw it in the garbage when no one is looking, and grill a burger.

I don’t mean to sound like I’m bragging, but I just finished my 14-day diet and it only took me about 4 hours.

A recent study has found that women who carry a little extra weight tend to live much longer than men who happen to mention it.

Some thoughts about getting older:

I may not be all that funny, or athletic, or handsome, or smart, or talented…rats…I forgot where I was going with that.

I love being over 60. Every day I learn something new, and there is plenty of room in my head because I also forget about five other things.

Some days I feel like putting an “out of order” sticker on my forehead, and then I’ll go around smiling like I know something special.

On the other hand, senility should be a smooth transition for me.

Now for what really matters:

I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20

As for all the rest of that stuff I wrote today, I hope something in there helped you smile. Because when you think about that last thing I mentioned, the rest of it doesn’t matter much at all.
