Good morning. The year was 1948. The Gordon family was in the car, headed west, well away from their Michigan home. When pa Gordon was driving his mind was always set on his destination. As for interesting side trips, forget about it. It took an hour of begging, not only from the three kids but also his wife, but finally Mr. Gordon gave in. They would take a detour and visit the Grand Canyon. It wasn’t exactly on the way, but it was within a hundred miles or so of the road they were traveling. Pa Gordon complained the whole way, but eventually they arrived, and what a sight!
It is Ron Gordon’s description of the event that I have read (he was about 10 at the time). He wrote of his first impression of the Grand Canyon that the colors, the textures, the pure immensity of it…there was no better word to describe it: GRAND! Mrs. Gordon and all three kids were enthralled, thrilled, and amazed.
As for Pa Gordon…”Humph!” he exclaimed. “What a wasteland. I doubt you could grow a carrot down there let alone corn.” Having been raised on the rocks of West Virginia, Pa Gordon only saw value in things that he could understand as productive. “What a shame” thought young Ron Gordon. It was a lesson he never forgot. One person’s wonder can be another person’s wasteland. It all depends on what you are looking for.
With that thought I would like to refer to you one of my favorite verses of scripture. I think of it as a favorite because I read it often and remind myself of its commanded truth even more.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Philippians 4:8
If we look at each other with the wrong purpose in mind we may see only something like a human wasteland. If we look at each other as God commands we will see what is beautiful, intriguing, amazing, wonderful, perhaps even grand. It all depends on what we are looking for.