Trust Me 3-21-22

Good morning. The 14th chapter of John’s gospel begins with six verses that are familiar to most Christians. This is the place where Jesus tells us that He is: the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and that He is the only Way to come to our Heavenly Father. To be sure, those are powerful words sharing incredible truths about the nature and mission of Jesus Christ.

For our thought today, I would like to look at the first words that are shared with us in that 14th chapter of John, those which precede these other truths: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust in Me.”

The context of those words is Jesus telling His disciples that His time with them on earth was running short. He would, He tells them, be delivered into the hands of evil men and be murdered, but on the third day He would rise again.

I think that the disciples heard the part about Him leaving them, about His being murdered, and they became so upset that they didn’t quite listen to the rest of what Jesus was telling them. It is understandable because Jesus had revealed Himself to be the Messiah of God. To think that He could be taken and killed would have sounded to them like utter defeat. To say that their hearts were “troubled” may have been an understatement. What they heard was that all of their hopes, dreams, and plans were going to be taken away, murdered by evil.

Jesus tells them not to allow their hearts to be deceived. God has a plan. Jesus is the key to that plan. The goal is for all who are faithful to their loving God to come to Him, but there will be only one way: Jesus. The key, Jesus tells them, is to trustTrust in God and trust in Jesus. We may not always understand the details, but God’s plan for each of us is trustworthy.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
 in all your ways submit to him,

    and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6a

God bless your day!


Thanks for your prayers while I was away, especially with my flight cancelation on Saturday. That was frustrating, but I am very grateful for my church for family managing well in my absence.