Good morning. What troubles you today? I ask the question with the confidence that comes from a lifetime of knowing that every day there is something. Every day there is something that is on our mind, something that is keeping us on edge, something that is niggling at the back of our mind robbing us of peace. So, what is it, what is troubling you today?
Whatever it might be, have you considered the words of Jesus? Jesus spoke these particular words to His closest followers at a time when they were truly troubled. He had been telling them that his time with them in the flesh was coming to an end. It would soon be time for His mission to reach its point of conclusion and victory, but it would be a terrible path that needed to be followed. All of that information was troubling to those who were with Him and loved Him.
But Jesus shared with them powerful words of encouragement: “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.” John 14:1
They feared His words which included the truth of death, and they didn’t yet accept His words that included victory and eternal life. Jesus went on to tell them that He would go ahead of them and prepare a place in the Father’s realm, just for them, each and every one. Those words continue to be true for us today.
They were still confused. They couldn’t quite understand the scope of what He was telling them. Jesus went on to make it clear: Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.John 14:6
What is troubling you today? Jesus says that He has it under control. Is it too much for you to handle, too much for you to accept, too much for you to find peace or even a good night’s sleep? Jesus says that He has you in His arms and He has it under control.
Jesus, the One who conquered sin and the One who conquered death is able. He is worthy of our trust, because when He says, “I’ve got you” He means it, and He is worthy of our trust.