Good morning. We serve a “present tense” Lord. When we read the New Testament, we do not read of Jesus reminiscing about “the good old days.” My goodness though, if anyone would ever have a right to do so it would have been Jesus! Can you imagine Jesus walking with His disciples on a hot and dusty path in the middle of no where with the sun beating down with a scorching heat. Actually, that would have been a very common situation for them. But can you now imagine Jesus saying, “Boy, I sure miss heaven. You wouldn’t believe the weather there…always perfect!” Imagine Jesus telling them about the good old days when angels constantly attended Him; when beautiful songs of worship constantly filled the air; when He could lean over to His left a bit and share a joke or story with God the Father and see God smile. “Yep”, Jesus could have said, “those were the days!”
But Jesus never talked like that. Jesus was always concerned with what was happening at that moment and what was at stake for each of His followers in eternity. Jesus was consistent, dependable, and constant in every way. He could never be more God, and He could never be more human. He could never be more loving, and He could never be more kind. He could never be more courageous, and He could never be more generous. He was consistent then and He is consistent now. We read of this truth of Him in Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Jesus, you can count on Him, always.