Thought for April 9th

Good morning. It is Friday, the end of the work week, and it seems to me to be a perfect day for another one of my story/parodies. Actually, there isn’t a good reason for one of these, other than I like to write them and that I have a hope you may find something to think about.

Glen was a well known figure at the local “Good News Gospel, Our Mission Is You!” church. He was often seen hanging around after worship services and was well known for sitting front row and center. From that front row seat, everyone could see Glen take notes during the worship time and preaching, often shaking his head from side to side with a frown.

On this day, Glen was seated at a table in front of the Main Street Café. He was sitting under an umbrella and sipping from a tall glass of ice-tea while reading a book entitled, “How to Worship and Preach the Right Way.” On the table in front of him lay his cell phone, the latest and best model available.

Polly, a young woman from the same church was out jogging when saw him and came over to say hello. “Hi there, Glen. Whatcha’ doin’?” Without looking up he replied, “I am reading, obviously.” As she crooked her neck to see the title, he told her that it was a book that described the proper ways of doing things at church. “Believe me,” he said, “our church definitely is falling short on how to properly get things done.”

“Oh no!” Polly yelled, “look at that poor old man trying to cross the street. He’s going to get run over!” Poly immediately set out to give the elderly man her arm and escort him safely across the street. Returning, Polly asked, “Did you see that poor old fellow?” “Sure” said Glen, without looking up.

Polly was about ready to continue on her way when down the block a little girl started shouting and crying. Polly said, “Oh dear, I wonder if she’s lost? We’d better see if she needs help.” With that, Polly ran down the block and stooped down to talk to the frightened little girl. After a few words, Polly took the girl’s hand and led her to a store. At that moment a frantic mother came running out to the street shouting her daughter’s name. She was obviously very relieved to see that her little girl was safe, and the little girl was smiling as she hugged her mom’s leg.

Polly made her way back to Glen, who continued to sit at his table, reading his book on the right way things should be done at church. “Didn’t you see and hear that little girl?” asked Poly. “Sure” said Glen, never looking up. “Why do you just sit there? Why didn’t you get up to help with that old guy or the little girl?” Glen sighed deeply, set his book on the table and pointed to his beautiful and fancy new cell phone. “Because I didn’t get The Call” he said. “What call?” she asked. “The Call” he responded.

Before she could ask him to explain there was the sound of screeching tires and a loud thump. The car with the screeching tires was driven by a young fellow who had been re-reading a text from his girlfriend and didn’t see the light change or the woman who had stepped onto the street. “We need to call 911!” Polly shouted. “That lady was hit by a car and might need an ambulance.” As she said this, Polly was reaching for Glen’s beautiful new phone. “NO!” Glen shouted. “You can’t use my phone!” “Why not?” asked Poly. “Someone needs to call 911 and I don’t have my phone with me.” “Not on my phone!” shouted Glen. “My phone can’t be used, it is waiting for The Call!” Glen’s voice had a panicked edge to it by this time as he clutched his cell phone to his chest to protect it.

“What call are you talking about? Whose call could be so important that you can’t get out of your chair to help people or use your phone to call in an emergency?” Glen looked both ways while clutching his phone. “I am waiting for a call from God” he said. “I don’t know when, but I am sure that God has something in mind for me, and when God makes The Call, I have to be sure that my phone is ready and so am I!”

Polly shook her head in disbelief. “You are going to sit in a chair all day without lifting a finger to help anyone, waiting for God to give you a call…to what…help someone?” “That’s right!” said Glen, “and when this thing rings, I’ll be ready!”

At that very moment, Glen’s phone rang, the ring tone being the Hallelujah Chorus. “This is it!” he shouted excitedly, it is The Call!”. Glen held the phone to his ear and with a shaking voice said, “Yes Lord?”  With a sudden frown, Glen pushed his beautiful new phone across the table to Polly, “It’s for you.”

There is no job too big or too small for our Lord’s attention. There is no job too big or too small for His servants to gladly say, “Yes Lord!”

Serve well today!
