Good morning. What a sorry bunch they are:
Jacob was a cheater. He cheated his brother out of his birthright and blessing.
David was a fine king, but oh my, he had some problems. David looked where he shouldn’t have looked. David touched someone he shouldn’t have touched. He had a friend killed to hide his sin. In arrogance he counted his army when God told him not to do so.
Gideon was a coward, hiding in a hole in the ground. Then he tried his best to get out of God’s call, asking for test after test, as though God needed to prove Himself to Gideon.
Jonah ran from God, got swallowed for his trouble, went on to preach the truth, and then hated God’s grace.
Elijah was so depressed he ran, hid, didn’t want to listen, and didn’t want to serve God.
Sarah was so fragile in her faith that she had her husband sleep with another woman.
Peter had a nasty temper, was filled with pride, didn’t listen well, and then became lost in his own shame.
Paul made the murdering of Jesus’ people his main goal in life.
Zaccheus was short. Okay, that’s not a problem, but he made up for being short by becoming a crooked tax collector.
Mary Magdalene was a woman with serious personal problems.
All of Jesus’ closest disciples deserted Him when He needed them most.
All of those claims may be true, but there is one thing they all have in common: God chose them, each and every one, just as He found them. He didn’t leave them as He found them, but He called them into service, and they all had a role in your salvation.
It is amazing to consider the kind of people God calls. It is even more amazing that when He calls them, they serve Him, and with God’s help they serve Him well.
To what is God calling you? And what might be your excuse to say, “No thanks Lord, I’m not the kind of person you’re looking for.”?