Good morning. I am sure that you have noticed that when information is passed from one person to another there tends to be changes along the way. Perhaps some part of what is being said wasn’t heard properly, or perhaps it was subject to interpretation. Perhaps people along the communication chain added a little or took a little away. Ultimately, it seems inevitable that there is distortion, and the more links in the communication chain the more pronounced that distortion becomes.
There is no doubt that God chose His prophets very carefully. When He gave them information to share, they did so to the best of their ability. But even so, there is nothing like face-to-face communication.
The most important message ever shared with mankind is that the love of God is so great that He has provided for sinful and rebellious mankind to return to Him. God’s message was that although He is holy and perfect, and anyone who is not holy and perfect can never endure in His presence; but God spoke through His prophets the promise that He would provide a way to reclaim His own.
For centuries the prophets of God shared that good news, and the Law of Moses prepared His people to recognize and accept His gracious way of salvation. But somehow, with the help of the enemy I am sure, that communication of God’s truth was insufficient.
But God had an answer. We read God’s amazing solution to the problem in the beginning of the Letter to the Hebrews, verses 1 & 2: Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world.
God’s solution was to send to us His Son, Jesus, who is His Word and is the heir of all and through whom all of creation occurred. God decided to speak to mankind face-to-face.
The word last that we read here is the Greek word eschatou. It is the word from which the English word “eschatological” is derived. It means “the end”, nothing more to come, the final word-thought-act.
God is telling us that there will be no further attempt at relating His love, His grace, His plan for our salvation, beyond the Son, Jesus Christ. What more could be said than “God loves us so much that He was willing to become one with us”? John 3:16 certainly springs to mind.
Let Jesus speak to you today. Let the promises of God revealed in Jesus communicate with your spirit. God’s direct communication, Jesus.