The Sound of Freedom – This is a bit long, but PLEASE READ TO THE END 07-05-2023

Good morning. I am writing this thought for 7/5 on Tuesday morning, July 4, and the message is one of freedom being stolen. This thought for the day is going to be a bit different, but I hope that you will consider it, and even act upon its plea.

Last evening Pam and I joined Kendall and Marsha Langseth to see an excellent movie. The movie is called “Sound of Freedom”, and it tells an amazing, and true, story.

At the heart of the story is federal agent Tim Ballard, who is played by the fine actor Jim Caviezel (The Passion of Christ and TV show Persons of Interest). Agent Ballard’s professional life is tasked with the prevention of human trafficking, especially where children are involved. A repeated thematic statement in the movie is, “God’s children are not for sale.”

The movie tells the true story of this agent’s personal passion to save a child. He has rescued her little brother, and the rescue of an unfortunate young girl becomes his obsession. Agent Ballard’s family includes his supportive wife and his 6 children.

At the end of the movie, we see footage of the real agent Ballard testifying before congress, successfully working to encourage new laws to deal with the overwhelming problem of human trafficking and sex slavery.

During the movie, Ballard quotes Jesus’ words found in Matthew 18 & 19. Here is a sampling of some of those verses from Matthew’s gospel: If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” Mt 18:6   

“See that no one disregards the needs of these little ones; for I say to you, in the heavenly realm their angels look upon the face of my heavenly Father.” Mt 18:10

“In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.” Mt 18:14

Then people brought little children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them and pray for them. But the disciples rebuked them. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  Mt 19:13-15

God takes the welfare of children very seriously. Imagine His sorrow, even His rage, as He sees our world today awash in the horrible mistreatment of those tender little ones who claim His heart.

This movie, Sound of Freedom, was completed five years ago by 21st Century Fox. After it was completed, Fox was acquired by Disney, who said, “We can’t release this film.” That is not conjecture, it is a quote. After years went by, the film’s rights were acquired by Angel Studios whose Crowdfunding investors have made the movie available to us in 2023.

The movie is an excellent story, very well acted, and does not have the feel of a “low budget” type of film. This movie has a powerful message that must be heard! And that is where you and I come into the picture.

There isn’t an advertising budget, and you will have to do some searching to find a theater where it is being shown. It is worth the effort! At the end of the film there is a straightforward and urgent request: “Please, help us get the word out!” “Please, tell people about this film and encourage them to see it.”

This is not about someone making money. This is about a critically important message reaching the hearts and minds of good people who presently are unaware and uninvolved in the fight against human trafficking and the sex slave industry. It is estimated that these filthy practices generate over 150 billion dollars of revenue annually. It involves people of power and wealth. Those people have fought and are fighting against this film’s release. Don’t let them win!

Please, find this film and see it. Please help spread the word and get involved. It is an ugly subject, but one that must be addressed. Let’s pray hard and consider how we, each of us, could be a part of the solution. 

The film tells us at the end that the problem of human trafficking, and sexual slavery has increased 5,000 percent in the last few years. Please Lord, show us how we can be of help!
