Good morning. How broad are God’s shoulders? No, I am not suggesting that we consider God in purely human terms. But I am suggesting that such a question is appropriate if we consider it in this way: how able and how willing is God to carry our burdens? The correct answer is, of course, that He is infinitely able and perfectly willing to carry our burdens. But do we always remember that when we need Him?
As we read Biblical history and come to that place where David was at war with Saul, we see that David was often betrayed by the people around him. These betrayals could be seen to crush his spirit and overburden him with bitter disappointment. But consider these words of David, written into a song of worship, found in Psalm 55:20-22
My companion attacks his friends;
he violates his covenant.
His talk is smooth as butter,
yet war is in his heart;
his words are more soothing than oil,
yet they are drawn swords.
Cast your cares on the Lord
and he will sustain you;
he will never let
the righteous be shaken.
People may disappoint us, and may even betray us, but the Lord is worthy of our confidence. When we cast our cares on Him, we are sustained and protected.
What kinds of burdens are being carried by Jesus on your behalf today? We know that He carries our sin, and with that He carries our guilt and shame. He carries the load of our eternal debt, and He carries the weight of our fear.
Is that all? Is Jesus carrying away what would burden us with crippling concern before we even know that such problems exist? Could it be that Jesus has already taken upon Himself as much of our anxiety as we will allow Him to carry, and as He shoulders it He compels us to trust Him with more?
Has Jesus taken our burden of meanness and replaced it with a mantle of kindness? Has Jesus taken upon Himself loads of panic and replaced them with peace?
Jesus’ shoulders are very broad. His desire is to lighten your load today. All that is needed is that we trust, ask, and obey.