Good morning. Throughout the years I have been asked to perform a number of tasks, “jobs” if you will. Sometimes, I have felt that I was quite qualified, trained, and prepared for the task at hand, but not always. For some of these jobs, I was asked to step in and “just do the best you can.” Does that sound familiar? I would think so, because I believe that we have all been put in that place from time to time, and usually we agree to give it our greatest effort and hope for the best.
Jesus has reached out to you through the efforts of many people though the years. He equipped and sent several teachers to instruct you. Some of those teachers were in the school system and were trained for their job, but that doesn’t mean that they were all equally prepared to teach you. Other teachers may have entered your life through Sunday School, youth meetings, and other Christian education opportunities. They too were not all equally prepared and equipped, but the Lord always does His best to encourage and prepare them as they will allow. The Lord also has gifted people to sing and to lead singing. They share their gifts in worship whether it be on Sunday mornings or around a campfire and the Lord prepares them and sends them out to inspire and to lead. And there are, of course, preachers. We work within the Word to bring God’s truths to bear to inspire, convict, and encourage as God gives us wisdom and strength.
There are many other times when our needs require the work of professionals, and someone willing to “give it their best shot” is not going to be adequate. People like physicians, those who prepare taxes, law enforcement officers, engineers who build bridges are but a few examples where absolute professionalism is vitally important.
So, of all the professions, all the people God has put in your life to help you, inspire you, and to guide you, which is the most important? I suppose the answer for that is, “It depends on the needs of the moment.” Preachers and physicians and police officers don’t engineer the building of bridges, so we need the best possible person to meet the needs of each situation.
There is one job that Jesus refuses to entrust to anyone but Himself. Not even the best preacher or teacher or the most holy and righteous person you may know is sufficient. There is one job that is reserved for Jesus Christ your Lord. We read of it in John 14:3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
Jesus Himself has gone ahead of us into heaven to prepare the heavenly realm to its perfect condition to receive His beloved, His friends, all those who have claimed Him as the true Lord of their lives. Please note the second half of the sentence: I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.
Jesus won’t send Peter or Paul. He won’t send the greatest of the angels of heaven. He won’t send the most trustworthy and righteous person alive at that moment. No, when it comes to bringing His own into the heavenly realm, it is a job that Jesus has reserved for Himself! Why? Because you are that important to Him and your eternal destiny is in His hands and heart! He loves you too much to do it any other way.