Good morning. I would like to share a story about a spectacular day I once enjoyed. On a beautiful Friday morning in May, my 16-year-old self had a plan. The plan centered around the first (at least for Nevis High School) celebration of “Earth Day.” On this day we were told that rather than our regular classes we would focus on “earth friendly” subjects. This was great because it meant one more day without a dreaded geometry test. Late morning, students were sent out in pairs to patrol the entire area and pick up litter. This is where my plan enters in. I bribed, pushed, and otherwise managed to have my partner for litter pick-up duty to be a girl I was fond of. I enjoyed two hours of her company, and she was stuck with me! Sweet! Then, just before we finished, I found amongst the litter a $10 bill. That was big money. Thinking fast, I told the girl it would only be right that we spent it together. Pretty clever, right? After the earth day work, we had a baseball game in which I went 4 for 4 and drove in the winning run. When I got home, my mother was making my favorite supper. It was an excellent day!
Amongst Jesus teaching with several parables to instruct us about the Kingdom of God, we read this from Matthew 13:44: “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”
The Kingdom of God in our lives is like finding a treasure, which would make that day the best day ever! The thing is, rather than clinging to a distant memory of one day when everything seemed to go right, Jesus says that discovering the Kingdom of God is a daily occurrence for us. Finding out each day what God’s plan for us will be that day, is like finding a treasure, making that day special, memorable, and spectacular!
Discover the Kingdom of God in your life today. Make this day one to remember!