Good morning. For three years John had rubbed shoulders with his Master. They had walked together, worked together, lived together, laughed together, and I am sure that they had cried together. John had seen Him release the power of the Almighty to heal and to cast out demons. John had seen Him at the end of the day so exhausted that he couldn’t keep His eyes open. In almost every circumstance John had been with Jesus, his beloved Lord, and had been drawn to Him in a closeness that made John always refer to himself in the 4th gospel which he wrote as “the one whom Jesus loved”. He was the one with whom Jesus placed the care of His mother as He was dying upon the cross. He was His friend.
Throughout every circumstance of life Jesus had been completely consistent. His faith never wavered, nor did His obedience to the will of the Father, nor did His friendship.
John wrote, at the inspiration of the Father and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit: And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
Through it all, there was His glory, His glory full of grace and truth.
Today, this very day, we have the opportunity to walk with Jesus. No, we don’t have Him standing at our side, but we have Him with us. We have the person and the truth of Jesus Christ with us in glory full of grace and truth.
Like John so long ago, we too can wonder at the way of God that He should come to us, love us, know us, enjoy us, and even call us His friend.
Throughout the day, in every circumstance, every trial and every victory, He is ours.
I am going to be taking some days off to go fishing in Canada. Please go to where you will find the archives of our “thoughts for the day”. They are collected with title headings so you should be able to go through them and find some previously written to speak to you until I return June 2nd.