Running for Love 6-30-22

Good morning. How many times have we seen a little one take a tumble? Their little legs can’t yet quite keep up with the ambitions their minds are commanding. They take off with good intentions but before long they trip, fall, bump, and hurt.

When that little one takes their fall and scrapes their knees, or elbows, or nose, or all of the above, they don’t always cry…at least not right away. First, they take a good look around and see if their mom is there. If she isn’t in the area, they often sniff a little but get up and take off running again. If she is present, well that’s when the drama begins. There is crying, and there is an immediate sprint as fast as those faulty little legs can carry them until they can be gathered up into mommy’s arms for all the needed comfort and healing mercies that they have come to expect from the mommy who loves them.  

All of that is normal, needed, and actually, quite wonderful.

Psalm 34:4-7 is written by King David. The king doesn’t have a mommy to run to, but he knows who loves him and he knows who will deliver him from his hurts and his fears:

I sought the Lord, and he answered me;
    he delivered me from all my fears.
 Those who look to him are radiant;

    their faces are never covered with shame.
This poor person called, and the Lord heard them;
    he saved them out of all their troubles.
The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him,
    and he delivers them.

When we need some special love, when we need a hug, when we need someone to wipe the tears away, God tells us to run into His arms. He is there for us, always on our side, always.
