Remember Jesus 12-03-22

Good morning. I don’t know if I could ever give you a more important reminder than this: Always, always, always, remember Jesus.

When the people who should guide you refuse to listen, remember Jesus.

When tears want to come, remember Jesus.

When disappointment threatens to rob you of your joy, remember Jesus.

When worry is overwhelming and robbing you of sleep, remember Jesus.

When fear takes up residence in your heart, mind, and spirit, remember Jesus.

When anger threatens to turn your peace into turmoil, remember Jesus.

When shame and regret are burdens you cannot carry, remember Jesus.

When the doctor’s news is not what you wanted to hear, remember Jesus.

When death is a fear rather than an idea, remember Jesus.

God’s eyes shed human tears. God’s heart was broken when His beloved turned against Him. God’s peace was shattered with the resounding ring of a hammer driving the nails into the flesh He had chosen to wear for a time.

No matter what, always – always – always, remember Jesus. He’s been there, and He is ready to carry you when your strength is gone.

Remembering Jesus was of critical importance to me when all of these feelings found their way into my heart, mind, and spirit as Pam went through her ordeal. Thank you for your prayers.
