Really? Like Jesus? 12-09-22

Good morning. I know that the Word of God makes it clear that the goal of the Christian life is to increasingly become more like our Lord, more like Jesus. I find that… challenging.

More like Jesus? The world has never known a heart so pure.

More like Jesus? His character was flawless, above reproach.

More like Jesus? His spiritual hearing was so perfect that He never missed a heavenly whisper.

More like Jesus? His mercy was so abundant that He never missed a chance to forgive, and when He forgave He forgot that the wound had ever been.

More like Jesus? No lie left His lips, no truth was ever withheld, no falsehood was ever presented in shades of gray.

More like Jesus? No distractions marred His vision.

More like Jesus? When others were repulsed, He reached out in love and touched the untouchable.

More like Jesus? He endured while others fell asleep, He persisted when others quit.

More like Jesus? He loved, and He loved, and He died to love me more.

More like Jesus? Please God, please, make me more like Jesus today.

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus… Philippians 2:5
