Reading the Signs 2-8-22

Good morning. Decades ago, singer/song writer Paul Simon sang “Oh, I get all the news I need from the weather report…” There are many days when I read, see, or hear the news that I think I think Mr. Simon got it right. Understanding the attitudes and realities of our present world can be a bit…vexing.

Did you know that Jesus had something to say about the weather report and newscasts? Check this out: And the Pharisees and Sadducees came, and to test him they asked him to show them a sign from heaven. He answered them, “When it is evening, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red.’ And in the morning, ‘It will be stormy today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah.” So he left them and departed. Matthew 16:1-4

In this passage of scripture, Jesus is pointing out to those who oppose Him that they seem to be experts in predicting the weather, but that isn’t quite enough to live a good life. They are perfectly willing to look at the signs revealed in the sky and give their predictions about whether the next day will be stormy or fair. His point is that it is inconceivable that they should be so adept at interpreting the basic indicators of things like the weather, and yet be incapable of properly interpreting the signs of the times of which they were presently a part.

Of what was Jesus speaking? He was referring to all of the prophecies in scripture that foretold the coming of God’s Messiah. The Pharisees were considered the “experts” of scripture, and yet it was obvious that they were not paying attention to what the Word of God was telling them.

Every prophecy of scripture that gave details of the coming of the Messiah was met in Jesus Christ. Every detail, including those which would have seemed to be small and insignificant, was revealed in Him. God wanted His people to know when the times had reached their fullness and the promise of His Messiah would be fulfilled. But those who should have been most vigilant to recognize those signs were more concerned with tomorrow’s weather forecast than they were with God’s promised blessing!

Can we say that such attitudes are less prevalent today? How many people study the weather report, the stock market, the baseball scores, and the nightly news without recognizing that the world is in desperate need of saving? How many of those people are good Christian folks who are refusing to “get a clue” as to the nature of God’s will because they are distracted by any number of worldly concerns?

How many people scour YouTube for advice, entertainment, and spectacle without opening God’s Word to meditate on His truth, His advice, and His will?

Are we so busy worrying about whether or not our country is being run properly that we have failed to ask the question of whether or not our homes are being run properly?

The Pharisees and Sadducees said that they needed to see a sign from heaven in order to believe in Him. This comes at the point of Jesus’ ministry  when he had been providing years of such signs, miracles of which they were well aware. But that is the nature of those who have chosen to remain lost to God’s salvation. They always seek one more thing rather than seeing and accepting what has already been clearly given.

So, the next time we check out the weather report, perhaps we can also consider what God is telling us through the signs of our times. When the weather guy or gal tells us that tomorrow morning will have a -20 temperature, we know that we will need to dress accordingly. When we hear the news casts, read the various sites we trust to bring us news that is relevant and accurate, what might we consider about the signs of the times and the work and will of God? How might we be of help rather than simply sharing in the cries of complaint?

God bless your day as you read the signs and search for God in all things.
