Purposeful Prayer 08-04-23

Good morning. The most powerful prayer is the prayer filled with purpose. When I say that I am suggesting that we have a responsibility to pray intelligently, which means that our prayers are well informed. Prayers that are well informed become more personal, more passionate, more inspired.

To be well informed in prayer means that we take the time and make the effort to learn the details of needs, circumstances, hopes, fears, and challenges the focus of our prayer is facing. This means reaching out to a person or persons for whom we intend to pray. Learn of those specifics that are mentioned above. Gently and humbly ask for greater insight so that your prayer will be the most powerful it can be.

To be sure, very often the focus of our prayer is personal. But even when we are in prayer for our own needs or to give thanks for our own blessings it is essential that we pray with great purpose, and that means that we fuel our prayer with information and insight. This means that we humbly ask the Lord for His help. It is He who knows what we truly need. It is God who recognizes the path ahead and can help us to set a proper course.   

Above all, when our desire is to lift the most powerful and purposeful prayer that is possible, remember to whom you are praying. He is the God who loves you. The God who knows all there is to know. He is our God who has all power and all authority.

But as for me, my prayer is to you, O Lord.
    At an acceptable time, O God,
    in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in your saving faithfulness.
 Psalm 69:13

When Jonah had all but given up as he suffered in the belly of the great fish he remembered the nature of God:

“When my life was fainting away, I remembered the Lord, and my prayer came to you, into your holy temple.” Jonah 2:7

Pray with power today. Pray for others and pray for yourself. Pray with prayers of supplication, for the Lord knows that we have needs and desires to help us. Pray with prayers of joyful praise for His blessings are always flowing to us. But pray with purpose, well informed and guided, for that is your prayer of power.
