Good morning. Profit and loss; it is an idea that governs much of life. Whatever we are doing, whatever decisions we are making, the idea of profit and loss may not come immediately to mind, but profit and loss will have an impact. Sometimes we may refer to this idea as risk and reward, but it amounts to about the same thing.
There is a football coach considering what play to call or what defensive set to employ. The coach’s decision, whether he or she thinks in those terms or not, is going to be determined by what profit (reward) is possible weighed against what risks (possibility of loss) may occur. For a businessperson the idea of profit and loss is an obvious concern for most decisions. As a husband, wife, parent, child, or sibling we probably don’t think in those terms, but profit & loss – risk & reward are essential thoughts guiding our relationships. Consider the words we choose when dealing with each other. Do we say what first comes to our mind or do we choose our words carefully to prevent an overreaction or argument? That is a profit & loss kind of decision. I love cupcakes. There is a tray of fresh cupcakes on the table. Should I enjoy one? It is a profit & loss decision (a moment on the lips vs a decade on the hips kind of choice).
Jesus made the ultimate profit & loss statement in Mark chapter 8. Jesus told the crowd who were following Him that true discipleship was a serious choice. “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” To those who first heard those words they were shocking. Everyone living under Roman rule knew what was meant by His reference to the cross. It was the most savage and torturous method of execution possible. Jesus was telling them, and us, that to be His disciple we must commit without limitations. Whatever the risks or hardships that might be a part of our life, full commitment means that we will accept and endure them. Why? Why would Jesus say such a thing, and why would those who heard Him then and we who are considering His words now be willing to face such a possibility? It all has to do with profit & loss – risk & reward.
For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?For what can a man give in return for his soul?Mark 8:36-37
The bottom line: if our choice of following Jesus was a business decision, or a coach’s call, or an option of what to say or not to say, it would be an excellent choice. In terms of what is to profit vs what may be lost it is a no-brainer, since what is at stake is eternity. The choice becomes all the more obvious when we realize that it is the only choice we have if heaven is to be our destination. There is nothing more valuable and precious than our eternity with God, so we must choose wisely.
Full commitment to Jesus; it is a choice for eternity, and it is absolutely worth it!