Good morning. I am taking this opportunity of our thought for the day to ask you to pray for the refugees of the Ukraine, and for our missionaries who are doing their best to bring help and aid to them.
I have mentioned in congregational prayer time recently that the missionary team representing Pioneer Bible Translators kindly turned down their opportunity to leave the Ukraine when the fighting was closing in on them. Instead, they chose to stay and coordinate care and services for Ukrainian refugees who were traveling through their region. This was a decision that put the mission team in danger but imagine how it has impacted their work. Rather than abandoning the field when things became dangerous and difficult, they chose to remain and help. That speaks volumes about the genuine quality of Christ’s love and of their personal dedication.
The fighting has moved away from their immediate area for now but the PBT missions team continues to work hard serving the refugees and to reveal the love of Christ.
Another of our mission teams receiving support are Dan and Missy Lincoln and family. Theirs is the OASIS ministry in Austria, and needless to say their work has been impacted by the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. The following is from Dan Lincoln’s email to NLCC this morning. The Lincolns had come to the US on furlough before the hostilities began but the OASIS ministry is involved:
THE OASIS: I am very pleased to report that although we, the Lincolns, are away from the Oasis, the rest of the Oasis team continues to share Christ with refugees in the city of Traiskirchen, Austria at THE OASIS. And, YES, there are many Ukrainians in the area of the Oasis now.
UKRAINE: While Ukraine is a very visible point in the news, the Oasis continues to share the love and truth of Jesus with refugees from many nations: Ukraine, Algeria, Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, and other nations. The Oasis team just last week shared clothing with 220 refugees over a 4 day span; many of the clothes were for children. In the past 2 months, there have been at least 2 situations where Ukrainian families needed temporary housing, as they waited or looked for official housing in Austria, and so they were welcomed into the Oasis for several nights. The Oasis can help refugees, usually for one night, in certain circumstances, but in these situations with 2 different Ukrainian families, the Oasis allowed them several nights stay.
Please pray for the people of the Ukraine and for those courageous missionaries who are serving them.