Peace 12-22-23

Good morning. There are few images more peaceful than an infant lying in his or her mother’s arms, sleeping quietly. That would be the image we are invited to share as we hear small children sing of baby Jesus in Away in the Manger. In the song, the cattle start to make noise disturbing the little baby in the manger, which wakes him up. But not to worry, “But little Lord Jesus, No crying He makes.”

It is a fine image, but I am sure that little Lord Jesus, if awakened before He was ready, bawled His head off like every other healthy human infant would do.

Does this alter in any way the name He is known by, as prophesied in Isaiah 9:6 “The Prince of Peace”? Of course not.

For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility. Ephesians 2:14

Jesus, the little baby asleep in Mary’s arms, and Jesus, our valiant Savior who hung on a Roman cross to die in our place. Jesus, who is our peace. Jesus, who has made all people who will claim Him united as one. Jesus, who has broken down the wall that had divided us. Jesus, who ended our hostility and replaced it with His peace.

Jesus, He is our peace.

We are guilty, and He makes us innocent.

We are dirty, and He makes us pure.

We are wrong, and He makes us right.

We are lost, and He makes us found.

We are dead, and He makes us alive forever.

Jesus, the baby in the manger, the warrior on the cross, He is our peace.
