Good morning. The middle C is that note in music that is the center point. It is the note often played to get things started, a note that everyone recognizes which may provide the beginning of harmony. No matter what instrument might be involved, the middle C is the unchanging sound that we can count on.
God is our middle C as we live our lives together.
The weather changes by the hour it seems, but God is always the same. Relationships may change, work may change, politics may change, health may change, hopes and dreams may change, but God is always God.
The God of creation is the God that hears your prayers. The same God that led the Israelites to unimaginable victories is the same God who watches over you today. He is the God whose plans never change, whose purpose never changes, whose power never changes, whose mood never changes, and whose promises never change.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8
From everlasting to everlasting, you are our God. Psalm 90:2
Yahweh, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, He is our never changing God. He is our middle C, the unchanging power whom we can count upon.