Our 2 MPH God 1-8-24

Good morning. This is our first day of worship for this New Year. I pray that all worshippers of our Lord and Savior Jesus will begin the New Year’s worship in an excellent way. May our commitment be refreshed, our love be renewed, our peace be restored, and our hope be rejuvenated.

As we worship Him today may we all take a moment to consider what it means to worship Jesus Christ as our Lord and our Savior. This may be somewhat simple, but perhaps it could be of use to help us remember that as we worship Jesus Christ as Lord, we:

A.   Affirm our allegiance to Him.

B.   Bow our lives before Him, recognizing His authority.

C.   Commit to Him all that we are and all that we hope to be.

D.   Dethrone our own will and accept that His motivation is love and that His wisdom is beyond our own.

We read in 2 Corinthians 5:14 that it is the love of Christ that compels us to choose what we choose and to live as we live. 2 Corinthians 5:15 reminds us of what life in Christ is all about: And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

For the early church of the first and second centuries there was a time when proclaiming Christ Jesus as “Lord” could be met with a death sentence. It had been decided that only Caesar could be called by such a remarkable title as “Lord”. Many Christians were killed because they refused to deny that Jesus was their Lord and their Savior.

We do not have such a stern test of our faith, but calling Jesus Christ Lord continues to be a powerful statement when the word is properly applied and genuinely intended.

Let’s worship our Lord Jesus today. By so doing our voices are joined in worship, adoration, and supplication to the voices of faithful people around the world, and by faithful beings in the heavenly realm.

Jesus is the Lord, worship Him in Spirit and in truth.
