Oops 9-24-22

Good morning. As the title would indicate, I would like to share a thought this morning about those common, simple mistakes that often find their way into our day. We may forget something we wish we hadn’t forgotten, or mispronounce a name, or say something we wish we hadn’t said, do something we wish we hadn’t done, or it may be as common as typos and errors in something we are writing. Life is filled with those little “oops” moments, and they are something we all have in common.

There are times when one of those little mistakes may become something more. Perhaps the words you wish you hadn’t spoken have led to hurt feelings or even thoughts of betrayal. Perhaps some small mistake grows into something far more significant, at least in the mind and spirit of another person. When this happens, and we all know that it does happen occasionally, what was a small error has the potential to turn into something damaging and disruptive.

When this happens, it is truly unfortunate. Please remember that our true enemy works very hard to keep little injuries in the front of your mind and schemes for ways to make small mistakes the source of brokenness and pain.

The Lord gives us another answer, another way to think and to live. It is a way that brings peace and keeps those mole hills from becoming mountains. The command is very simple and easy to understand, but make no mistake, it is a command. We read it in Colossians 3:13 Be tolerant with one another and forgive one another whenever any of you has a complaint against someone else. You must forgive one another just as the Lord has forgiven you.

There it is, be tolerant and ready to forgive. Just as the Lord is tolerant and forgiving of your personal “oops” moments, we are to share the same grace with one another.

If I have offended anyone lately, and I imagine that I have because I talk way too much not to have done so, please forgive me. If you have said or done anything that you worry may be cause for offense, please know that you are forgiven.

This is a simple thought for our day, but I believe that it is an important one. Relax. Take a deep breath. Let the tension flow away. Let any hint of anger or annoyance leave you. Forgive, and forget, and move on. This command of our Lord is a key to peace, love, and joy.
