None At All

Good morning. I would like to share with you today a rather brief, but incredibly wonderful, verse of scripture. It is found in Romans 8:1.

There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

The context of this verse is that God chose to satisfy the requirements of His justice through the Messiah, our Lord Jesus. It is a justice that is clearly defined in His Law as it was given through Moses. It is a justice that requires sin to be put to death, for that is the only way to achieve the perfect holiness needed to come into the arms of God without fear. The 7th and 8th chapters of Romans assure us that God sent Jesus to us to meet those needs. There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.

It doesn’t say that our condemnation has been lessened. It doesn’t say that we must endure some condemnation. No, it says that there is no condemnation for all who claim salvation through the blood of Jesus.

Think of that for a moment. Whatever your sins have been today, or yesterday, or this past week, or the total of all the sins of your entire life…you are now found to be not guilty! When it comes to the sin that would condemn you to the horrors of hell…there aren’t any. God sent Jesus to pay the price and to take those sins away.

Live well today. Live free today. Live in Christ centered praise today!
