Never, Right? Wrong! 12-02-22

Good morning. How often would this happen? You find yourself in the courtroom again, the trial is over, and you have been found guilty. There was never any doubt, because even though you didn’t intend for the other person to die, you caused their death. You were angry, enraged may be more accurate. You gave that person a two-handed shove with all your might, because….your anger was in charge. That person fell backwards, hit their head, and died from the trauma after a month-long coma. You are guilty, and that has been affirmed by a jury of your peers. The judge pronounces your sentence and says that he is setting aside the ruling of the court. In fact, he is setting aside the laws of the state. He says, “You are guilty, and of that there is no doubt, but I am setting you free without further penalty. How often would something like that happen? Never, right?

How about this, you are wondering how the bills are going to get paid and where your next meal is coming from. A person you have never met walks up to you and says that a cool million bucks have been placed in your bank account. No questions, no strings attached, it is yours. How often would that happen? Never, right?

Imagine this, you are eighteen years old, and your only dream is to be selected to enter a particular Ivy League university. The only problem is that your grades aren’t up to their standards. Your parents aren’t the kind that can pay your way and give a few million on the side to the university as an “encouragement”. You don’t know anyone who can help, haven’t passed any special test that makes you eligible, and have absolutely no reason for any hope that your dream will be fulfilled. But then you get a call, and they tell you, “It’s okay, we know you don’t deserve it and there isn’t any good reason for us to make an exception, but you’re in! We have accepted you into our very select university. How often does that happen? Never, right?

So, you are guilty as charged; bankrupt without any viable alternatives to solve your financial problems; you have no right or reason to be selected and every expectation that you are to be turned away. But you are set free, your debts are paid, and you are allowed to enter where only the select few should dream to go. How often would that happen? Never, right?

Wrong. Your crimes have been atoned for; your debts have all been paid; and your place in heaven is secured. How often does that happen? Every day. Whenever a sinner claims forgiveness by the Blood of the Lamb, our Savior Jesus, and turns their life in the direction of His love and obedience to His will.

This is called grace, unmerited favor. It isn’t deserved and can’t be either earned or purchased. Grace, it is freely given by the One who loves you forever.

Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16

It is God’s choice to save you. It is God’s gracious gift to pay the price. It is God’s love that welcomes you home to His eternal arms. Grace.
