Needed Direction 4-27-22

Good morning. I will start by touching on a subject that is not foreign to any of us. The subject is that of losing our way and being lost for a time. I am sure that we all could tell our favorite (or perhaps least favorite) story of being lost. Perhaps we started well but got confused along the way. After all, only one wrong turn can lead us in a direction we never intended to go. Or perhaps the problem is that we received well intended, but poor-quality directions from someone who was trying to help. Whatever the reason, being lost is seldom much fun and is often absolutely frustrating.

What is helpful as we set out on the required path is having someone pass along clear and accurate directions. These directions may include a map, or at least some landmarks along the way to provide a high level of confidence that all is well. Unfortunately, not everyone who is willing to give us directions is competent to do so.

Are you willing to trust the directions given to us by the Lord our God? It would be hard to argue against His competence. It is equally hard to find fault with His intentions, for the Lord’s desire is that we all find our way on the proper path throughout the course of every day. The Word of God is filled with directions to guide our paths, sometimes obviously stated while at other times we may need to meditate on what is said to gain a more complete understanding.

This, from 2 Thessalonians 3:5, is one of those clear statements: May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and into the steadfast/endurance of Christ.

These words from the apostle Paul are offered as a prayer on behalf of believers. When the way seems foggy or confusing, when the directions seem to leave you wondering or wandering, when the advice you have been receiving seems to leave you more lost than found, remember to pray for the Lord’s direction.

If we are walking within the love of God, we know that our path is righteous. When we are traveling within the patient, persevering, long-suffering arms of Jesus we know we are blessed. Whatever might be the destination we have in mind, traveling with the love of God and within the patient arms of Jesus is a wonderful way to get there.
