Good morning. Jacob had lived an interesting life. As a young man he had agreed with his mother on a plot to steal the inheritance and birthright that properly would have gone to his older brother. This made his relationship with his brother…complicated. His love life was…complicated. His children were…complicated. His favorite child was Joseph, but he was stolen from him, only to be returned after many years and near the end of Jacob’s life. Jacob’s walk with the Lord was…complicated. But after all of those complications, after incredible challenges and personal failures, after spirit crushing disappointments and unexpected satisfactions, Jacob came to a place of peace.
We read these words about Jacob as the end of his days drew near: “By faith Jacob, when dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, bowing in worship over the head of his staff.” Hebrews 11:21
Can you see it in your mind’s eye? The shriveled old man, leaning heavily on his staff to keep from falling over, made sure that in the end his final moments would be given to the worship of God and to blessing his grandsons. Finally, it made sense to him, and life was less…complicated.
Trust in the Lord is like a staff we lean on.
Imagine walking up a steep hill on a path that is far from straight and is littered with rocks and sticks. Keeping your balance is a challenge. Thank goodness you have a trusty staff to lean on! When you grow tired you can lean on your staff. It won’t bend and it won’t break. It is durable and dependable, worthy of your trust.
Trust in the Lord is like a staff we lean on.
Lean on Him. He will bear the burden and never fail. Be confident in Him. He will keep you balanced no matter how challenging the path is. Trust in Him. He has proven His love for you again and again.