If Only… 06-13-23

Good morning.  “If only…” Those words hint at something unfortunate, something that was or is less than it is intended to be. “If only I could take those words back…” “If only I could see him or her one more time…” “If only someone could help me…”

Those are sad thoughts.

I wonder about the tone of Jesus’ voice when he spoke the Aramaic equivalent of “If only” to the Samaritan woman he met at the place called Jacob’s well.

Jesus had asked her for a drink of water. She was startled and confused. It was not only unexpected but genuinely not allowed for a Jewish man to ask a Samaritan woman for a drink of water (or for much of anything else). She shares that very thought and Jesus responds to her in this way:

“If only you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked Him and He would have given you living water.” John 4:10

If only she had known the nature of the One who was asking, she would have been on her knees, begging Him for what He could give her. She had great need, but Jesus had (has) greater power and love.

If only…

If only we would take a moment to consider the scope of the love of Jesus, would we be as hesitant to ask Him to put His arms around us?

If only we would accept the power of Jesus, would we stubbornly try to take care of our needs alone?

If only we would understand what it means to call Jesus Lord, would we continue to be slow to bow our will to His?

If only…  Let’s not let those words define our day today. Today, let it be, “YES LORD!” and “THANK YOU LORD!” and “I LOVE YOU LORD!”
