Good morning. Heilsgechichte is a word first used by German theologians. The first time I heard the word I wanted to say, “geshundheit!” One German word in response to another seems fitting, and it does sound a bit like a sneeze. However, that particular German word reflects one of the most important truths we might understand as we consider scripture.
Heilsgechichte doesn’t translate well in a word for word literal sense. But it is sometimes paraphrased with the simple English: “Through the lens of the cross”. Heilsgechichte refers to a way of looking at all of human history, most especially that portion of human history that is shared with us in Old Testament scripture. To paraphrase it my own way, I would say of the meaning of Heilsgechichte: “It is all about Jesus”.
By looking at history and the Old Testament in this way we recognize that in every instance God has been at work for one supreme goal, to reconcile mankind to Himself. Nothing has been more important to God than fixing the horror that sin has brought upon the world. It is a job that is ongoing.
Through the years I have had many people ask me why God would destroy so much of His creation with the flood of Noah. The answer is: Heilsgechichte. The question may be about God’s command to utterly destroy the sin-wracked people that inhabited the Promised Land when the Israelites were finally ready to cross the Jordan and claim the land. The answer is: Heilsgechichte. When we read about the intrigue and the oddity that was common to God’s people and we wonder why God acted in the ways that He did, the answer is: Heilsgechichte.
Every command of God had the ultimate purpose of forwarding and ensuring His plan for our salvation. We are more able to understand His ways and His reasons when we choose to see it all through the lens of the cross. In short, this is what was required to happen to bring about the Messiah in every way that God had told us He would come. This is what God needed to do to be sure that His Messiah, Jesus, would be exactly who He was, when He was, as He was…our Savior.
Some say that the Old Testament is the history of God’s walk with His people. That is true, but I think it is incomplete. The Old Testament is also Heilsgechichte, God’s way of bringing forward the salvation of the world through His Son, Jesus Christ.
John the Baptist tells us about God’s intention when he sees Jesus approaching him as he did his work “preparing the way” for the Messiah of God: “Behold! The Lamb of God, the One who takes away the sin of the world!” John 1:29
If you want to better understand the ministry of John the Baptist, the answer is the same: Heilsgechichte.
In all things throughout all time God has been at work for you. It has been His passion and His purpose, to do all that is needed to reconcile you to Himself. If you ever find yourself wondering what God is up to, or why He has done something, try to remember: Heilsgechichte!