Good morning. Have you ever felt as though you needed a little time to yourself? I know that most moms voice this occasionally, those treasured times when the little ones are napping, and it is okay to collapse on the sofa and enjoy a few minutes without anyone needing your help.
Imagine what it was like for Jesus. Everyone wanted, needed, a piece of Him. Some needed to hear Him and the good news of hope that He preached. Some needed His healing touch, relief from whatever malady that was plaguing them. Some needed to speak with Him, to have Him hear what was weighing heavily on their spirit. But, as we read the four gospel accounts of Jesus in His days of ministry, it is clear that every minute of every day people were chasing after Him, needing Him for something.
We read this in Matthew 14:14 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick. Jesus had taken a few minutes to get away. He had gotten into a small boat and had withdrawn to “a solitary place” out on the water where He could have a few minutes to Himself and pray. But it didn’t last long. Soon, He headed back to shore, beached the boat, saw that a huge crowd of people were waiting for Him.
Can you hear Him sigh a deep sigh, mutter a thought like, “well, it was good while it lasted”, and then turn to face the crowd which had gathered to beg for His attention? It seems to me as though that would be a very normal and reasonable reaction.
But read what was Jesus’ reaction: he had compassion on them and healed their sick.
The word translated “compassion” is one of those long Greek words made up of several parts. It literally says that He “joined them in suffering”. Jesus saw the people, heard them crying out to Him, knew that His moments of rest were over, and His only reaction was one of compassion. He literally joined them in their suffering, and immediately turned His attentions to giving them the help for which they cried out.
That is the nature of our Savior Jesus. He is never too busy, or preoccupied, or tired, or disinterested. He always has time for us. His heart is always moved to help us. His compassion is always ours. Call upon Him with confidence today. I promise that he won’t mind.
Thank you, Lord Jesus!