Good morning. We love, and we serve, a truly stubborn God. Please Lord, I mean this in the best possible way. You see, the more we read the Word of God the more we are confronted by the truth that God never gives up. Consider:
God’s plan to establish his people included Joseph, son of Jacob. His brothers dropped him in a well and sold him into slavery. God didn’t give up.
God confronted Moses and told him that he was His chosen instrument to lead His people out of slavery and to the Promised Land. Moses responded, “I’m not capable, Send Aaron”. God didn’t give up.
God looked on as Peter worshipped Jesus at the supper, promised Him unfailing devotion, and then proceeded to deny Him three times before dawn. God didn’t give up.
God prepared a missionary to bring His Good News of salvation to the people of Thailand. After 20 years of frustration, the missionary had had enough and wanted to quit. God didn’t give up.
God doesn’t give up and His desire is that we maintain a stubborn faith. Consider these choices from God’s Word:
Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him. – James 1:12
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. – 1 Corinthians 16:13
My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word. – Psalm 119:28
Meanwhile all Judah stood before the Lord, with their little ones, their wives, and their children. And the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jahaziel the son of Zechariah, son of Benaiah, son of Jeiel, son of Mattaniah, a Levite of the sons of Asaph, in the midst of the assembly. And he said, “Listen, all Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat: Thus says the Lord to you, ‘Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God’s. 2 Chronicles 20:13-15
God doesn’t give up. The battle is His, not ours, and He will find the victory. This is true of every battle you are facing in your life today. All that is needed is to give it to the Lord. He will stay with you to the victory, because your God doesn’t give up…ever.