Good morning. Sometimes it feels like we live in a world that specializes in deception. There was a time when deception specialists might have been lawyers, magicians, used car salesmen, and the occasional politician. However, it seems as though deception has found its way into daily life to the point that it is somewhat expected and accepted.
We could argue about the appropriateness of developing the skills needed to deceive others, but I think a genuine concern is a cultural movement towards self-deception. There seems to be an increasing number of people who loudly voice the importance of their opinion on certain issues, all the while showing nothing but disdain for facts and truths. When our personal agenda is of greater importance than the truth, it creates a likelihood of self-deception. This lack of concern for what is genuine will find its way into our relationships, both with people and with God.
Jesus faced the problem of deception and self-deception in His day, but there was a key difference in Him as He approached the problem. We read this in John 2:23-25 Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Festival, many people saw the signs he was performing and believed in his name. But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all people. He did not need any testimony about mankind, for he knew what was in each person’s heart.
Please note that we are told the people involved witnessed the miracles of Jesus and believed in his name. We are not talking about the scribes and Pharisees who were always looking for a way to destroy Him. No, these were regular folks who saw enough to believe, but Jesus would not entrust himself to them. Why? Because He knew the reality of every person’s heart. You may be able to fool everyone, even yourself, but you will never put one over on the Lord! Jesus knows the reality of every heart.
Jesus knows the depth of our faith, the level of our trust, the reality of our love. He knows our love’s depth and whether it has life changing power. Jesus knows where we are well and where we are in need of help and healing. Jesus knows. Therefore, it would be wise to ask Him for the help we need.
Half-truths and lies will never provide for our true needs, not for the needs of daily life and certainly not our needs for eternal life.
Let’s make this issue a matter of prayer. Help us Lord to see your truth. Help us Lord to accept your truth. Help us Lord to have the courage to live your truth, speaking it boldly in the darkness of this world. Jesus, you are truth, and we know that living in falsehoods means living away from your presence. Lord, as you help us to know the truths of our lives, help us to accept them and to address those things that need to change. Your love, oh Lord, is the greatest of all truths. We are thankful that it is your desire to have us love you ever more deeply, more powerfully, more truthfully. Amen.
May the Lord help us, cleanse us, and guide us, today and always.