Good morning. In the garden the serpent hissed to Eve, “Certainly you will not die. God knows that if you eat of this fruit your eyes will be opened, you will know good and evil, and you will become like God.” It was the lie of all lies, for losing their innocence and knowing such a thing as evil could never make them “like God.” Instead, this first sinful decision ripped them from God, destroying their natural closeness with their Creator.
So, we may wonder, is there a way to become more like God? Well, yes, but in order to become more like Him we must first understand the essence of God. Who and what is God, our Almighty Creator, the awesome God of heaven? In 1 John 4:7-9 we see the mystery revealed: “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” Let’s put the essential truth in capital letters and in bold print so we can’t miss it: BECAUSE GOD IS LOVE.
How could Adam and Eve have accomplished their desire to become more like God? Since God IS love, it seems obvious that they needed to increase in love so that their nature and essence would be more as He is. All that was needed for Adam and Eve to be more God like was to walk with Him, talk with Him, learn from Him, to accept His love, and to love Him with all their hearts. But they didn’t do that, and instead they wrecked things, destroyed their lives, and seemingly ruined their chances. They chose to rebel against God, to sin, rather than to trust in His love. Unfortunately, the choice to sin against the will of God and to reject the fullness of His love has persisted through the centuries. There seems to be little doubt that it has always increased. More than ever, as mankind attempts to become better, greater, more accomplished, in essence to: become more like God, we miserably fail. I think this is because like those first sinners in the garden, we too have missed the point. All of our increase in knowledge hasn’t accomplished the goal any more than it did for them, and of course it never will.
Now for the good news: Part of Satan’s lie was that God didn’t want His children to become more like Him. But that is absolutely false! God has made it clear that it is His desire that his children grow closer to Him, become more like Him, increasing in power, in dignity, and in love every day. He wants this so much that, as 1 John 4:9 tells us: “This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.” God’s essence and nature, captured in this one great word LOVE is ours to have and to hold. He loves us so much that He sent His Son, Jesus, to us to reveal God’s love in a personal, powerful, yet human way.
As we celebrate the joy of Valentines Day, rejoicing in the wonder of love, let’s not forget what has been done for us. God came to us. God shared his love with us in a whole new way. God accomplished for us what Adam and Eve didn’t know how to do, and without His help could never have managed. God sent Himself, His love to you, and He named Him…Jesus! Knowing that, and knowing Him, will bring you to heaven’s throne ready to be one with God forever!