God’s Answer 5-13-22

Good morning. We have heard many times that one of the truths of prayer is that God answers prayer, but not always the way we expect Him to answer or with timing that matches our expectations.

In my personal prayer life recently, I have felt an answer in prayer which I would like to share. Please consider whether this could be God’s voice as He would speak to me, or to you, in our times of impatient request:

Wait patiently with Me while I bless you. Don’t rush into My presence with time-consciousness gnawing at your mind. I dwell beyond time, for I created time. I am, I was, and I forever will be immediately yours, for I am always with you. For you, time was created to be a protection. In your frailty you can only comprehend life when it is broken down into those segments of what you know as “time.” But please remember, My dear child, that time can easily become a tyrant. Time can become your master,  badgering you to only live, to only wonder, to only love, within its frame. Yes, you are, for now, bound in time. But that is not your destiny. Seek to meet Me in our place of timeless, faithful, understanding. Allow the shackles of worry over the schedules you have created in your mind to give way to My peace. Mine is a peace that lies beyond time, beyond human thinking. It is My peace that I would like to give you, and it is timeless and eternal. Please, dear child, take time to be blessed today.

But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord,
    I wait for God my Savior;
    my God will hear me. 
Micah 7:7

God bless you today, in His time.
