Generosity 04-19-23

Good morning. As of late, the investment numbers have not been kind. Whether it is a fund for retirement, vacations, home improvements, or whatever, investment numbers in the last couple of years have been going the wrong direction. But then again, the area of financial investment is rarely considered to be a “sure thing”.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have an area for investment that is absolutely secure? Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to extend a loan to someone who is guaranteed to pay it back?

For our thought of the day, I would like to share an investment strategy that is absolutely secure. God’s Word proclaims it to be so, and I have never found the Word of God to be less than certain. Please consider with me Proverbs 19:17

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord,
    and He will repay that person for their deed.

I think that it is noteworthy that it is not the poor who receive our generosity that will be repaying any debt. It is the Lord who promises to repay, and the Lord will see that we receive a generous return on our investment.

Generosity to the poor is not always accounted in dollars. Sometimes, that person with needs may be blessed by the generous expenditure of our time. Sometimes our investment may be a willingness to listen. Other times our investment may be measured in our willingness to smile, to shake a hand or give a hug. Perhaps that person is going to be blessed by being made to feel valuable and worthy. Perhaps what they need is a friend.

There are many types of poverty, and many forms of kindness.

What is clear in this proverb is that the Lord takes personally our generosity to those in need. He takes it as a personal kindness. He considers it a personal blessing.

We may be sure that our acts of generosity will be met with blessings which are returned to us in the areas of our true need.

Let’s be blessed today, and let’s pass those blessings on.
