Free 11-8-23

Good morning. My dad used to tell us to be careful when someone was offering something for “free”. He would say that in his experience nothing ended up being more expensive than a “free lunch”. Many, perhaps most of us have found those words to be true as we have gained life experience. What are those hidden costs? Are they favors that are now expected? Have attitudes become slightly changed? Is there something that you possess which that other person now feels should belong to them? These questions make us a little apprehensive about things that are said to be “free”. “What is the catch?” is the thought which comes to mind.

In Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio two grocery stores recently engaged in a price war over bananas. The Twin value store advertised a “big sale” on bananas, lowering their price from .73 per pound to 62 cents. The Food 4 Less store responded with bananas for 50 cents a pound. They kept at it until Twin Value offered their bananas for free, one pound per customer. Believe it or not, the Food 4 Less folks not only matched that, they taped a penny to each pound of bananas. They were “selling” their bananas for free, plus a penny. It wasn’t quite worth the drive to Ohio, but if I lived in that area I would certainly have gone out of my way for my free bananas. Like all of us, I love a bargain, and if something is “free” you have to take advantage, right?

As Christians, we are tasked with sharing the Good News of God’s plan of salvation. His Good News is that because of His great love for us, and that means ALL of us, God has graciously paid the price through the blood of His Son, Jesus, so that our salvation is, for us, free. There is no catch, God’s grace is His free gift to all of mankind who will accept it. We need to put aside our doubts and our fears of “What’s the catch?” because the grace of God is free indeed.

“The free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23

 “By grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the free gift of God.” Ephesians 2:8

“Let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost.” Revelations 22:17

This is the heart of Christ’s Good News for humanity. He offers us all life today that is unhindered by the chains of sin. He offers us today life to be lived in abundance. He offers us eternity with Him in the joy of heaven.

And for us, all of this is free. Jesus paid the price, and it is left to us to say “yes” to His gracious love.
