“Dear God, Disturb Me” 2-23-22

Good morning. Monday and Tuesday’s thoughts for the day have been centered upon prayer. We considered what it means to be given to God in prayer in an intimate, personal way on Monday, and yesterday we considered Job and how he needed to learn the truth of God. Job found that God hadn’t abandoned him as he had assumed, but that God’s will was at work in ways that Job could not understand.

For our thought for today I would like to offer to God a radical prayer. It is my hope that as you read this prayer you will be moved to join me in prayer to our Father God in a similar way. It is a prayer for God to rock our world. It is a prayer to throw us off balance. It is a prayer to redirect priorities and intentions. It is a prayer for God’s people, myself in this prayer, but perhaps you as well if you are willing, to wake up and accept a less comfortable life in order to make a greater difference for His Kingdom.

Dear God,

disturb me.

Rouse me from sleepy paths of comfortable faith

that too easily become dangerous ruts of safety

rather than a pathway I walk with You

in a new kind of adventure.

Forgive me for focusing more

on what I want You to do for “my life” or “my desires”

than what You want me to do for Your Kingdom.

Help me to remember that Your call

is simply to follow You,

and that You are on the move…


Push me with the lifting power of Your Spirit

past the stagnant places that tempt me.

Prod me past the horizons formed by by timidity and fear.

Transform me.

Give me an attitude that is finally ready to follow You, Jesus,

no matter where and no matter what.

I want to go beyond.

I really do, Lord Jesus.

Where You lead me I will follow.

No turning back.



Radical changes are needed to make meaningful progress. May we be blessed with the courage, the power, and the love to allow the Lord to make it happen.
