Good morning. May God’s rich blessings be yours today. May God’s love motivate you and direct your thoughts, words, and actions.
Poetry is, for the writer, an outpouring of the heart, a revelation of the spirit, a personal truth revealed. I dabble in poetry, sometimes pleased with the words, sometimes not. I will ask that you allow me today to share a poem I call Dark Harmony.
There is a harmony in silence,
Chords that sound cannot bear.
There is a beauty in darkness,
If you pull back the veil of despair.
There is a Joy found in weeping,
When the Spirit gives light to your tears.
There is a hope bound in dreaming,
When tomorrow is void of all fears.
There is a peace known through giving,
The best way to gain what you need.
There is a strength grown through serving,
The planting of spiritual seed.
There is a faith formed in waiting,
God’s time is not ours to command.
There is patience, ours only through loving,
Our Savior’s specific command.
There is a life that we long for,
Not to be found on this shore.
There is a King that we’ll bow to,
Forever, enough time and more.
Enjoy the day today, for God will bless us in ways we may or may not understand.