Critical Steps to a Place of Peace 3-24-22

Good morning.  I make mistakes, so do you, so does everyone. This is nothing new. In 1711 English poet Alexander Pope wrote in An Essay on Criticism, Part II:

Ah ne’er so dire a Thirst of Glory boast,
Nor in the Critick let the Man be lost!
Good-Nature and Good-Sense must ever join;
To err is Humane; to Forgive, Divine.

The spelling is true to that era, but the truth of what is said has been quoted through the centuries since. To make mistakes is part of the nature of the human being living in a fallen world. For true forgiveness we must look to God.

In Romans 11:27 we read: And this is my promised commitment to them, when I take away their sins.  

In Hebrews 8:12 it says: For I will forgive their iniquities and will remember their sins no more.”

What a wonderful truth of God that He not only forgives our sins He takes them away, and He remembers them no more! If you are remembering and commiserating the sins of yesterday, or of any other period in your life, it is the work of the enemy. It is his evil to have us dwell on mistakes and the misery they bring. It is God’s love to have us revel in His truth that those sins are removed and forgotten.

The first step to finding peace in our spirit is to recognize the problem and to call our “mistake,” which was a violation of your commitment to the will of God, what it is: a sin. The second step is to confess that sin to the Lord, taking it to the cross of Christ. The third step is to accept the love of God and the certain truth that He has forgiven our sin, removed it from our life, and that He will never again call it to mind.

In Christ, you are forgiven. Dwell on that truth and refuse the whispers of the enemy.
