Cleansed by the Word 06-30-2023

Good morning. It is a short verse, one that we could easily commit to memory. But does it have something to say that is important enough for us to do so? This is the verse I am thinking of: I have hidden your Word away in my heart, that I will not sin against you. Psalm 119:11

I read the thoughts of a Christian psychologist commenting on this verse, and he insisted that if the truth of it were to be translated into modern English it would read like this: “Your Word I have hidden in the subconscious depths of my personality and my mind, so that I will be moved to never sin against you.”

This psychologist was suggesting that the Word of God is able to penetrate right down into the realm of the subconscious and there execute a beneficial ministry to us.

In the New Testament we read this from Ephesians 5:26 as the apostle Paul instructs husbands to love their wives with the same kind of power and purity that Christ loves His church: that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the Word,

Both of these verses of scripture tell us that there is a power of cleansing within the Word of God.

For this cleansing to take place it seems reasonable that the Word must find its way into the depths of a person’s mind, heart, and spirit. Superficial reading of the Word is not going to bring it to that kind of depth. Reading, meditating, praying, and applying the Word will bring the Word of God into the depth of our spirit, to a place of effective cleansing and protection.

Take some moments today to work a passage of scripture into your depths. Read it; meditate on its meaning and how it applies to your life and the day ahead; and then pray for the Word of God to find its way to that special place within you so that you may be spiritually cleansed.

Now consider what will happen if you repeat that exercise every day.
