Bless the Lord Oh My Soul 3-8-22

Good morning. Before there was time, He was there. He has never not been. He is not bound by time, for He is the creator of time.

This is the truth of our eternal God. It is difficult for the finite, that is you and that is me, to get our minds wrapped around such a reality. Ultimately, because of His overwhelming love for us, God invites us to join Him in His reality, the purity of existence beyond time. What a blessing! Our eternal God promising His children the blessing of a perfect eternity!

For today’s thought I would like to have us consider the words of king David as he leads the people in a proclamation of blessing. David, the king, is blessing God:

David blessed God in full view of the entire congregation:

Blessed are you, God of Israel, our father
    from of old and forever.
To you, O God, belong the greatness and the might,
    the glory, the victory, the majesty, the splendor;
Yes! Everything in heaven, everything on earth;
    the kingdom all yours! You’ve raised yourself high over all.
Riches and glory come from you,
    you’re ruler over all;
You hold strength and power in the palm of your hand
    to build up and strengthen all.
And here we are, O God, our God, giving thanks to you,
    praising your splendid Name.           
1 Chronicles 29:11-13

Does it seem fitting for a man to “bless” God? Shouldn’t it be the other way around with God extending His love and grace to bless us?

God does bless us. Repeatedly, expertly, radically, expressively, abundantly, lavishly, lovingly…God blesses us.

But that doesn’t mean that we, the common folk who love the Lord and wish to praise our awesome God, can’t lift up blessings to Him. After all, He certainly deserves to be blessed!

If there is confusion, it is because we misunderstand the word “blessing.” Look the word up in a dictionary. Specifically, look up what is considered to be the “biblical definition of blessing.” I am quoting directly from Merriam-Webster: Blessing: a favor or gift bestowed by God, thereby bringing happiness. The invoking of God’s favor upon a person.

Other definitions of blessing can’t seem to do the job without using the word “bless,” but they all center around the idea of invoking special favor.

How then does David “bless God?” David lifts up adoration, recognition, unlimited praise, and grateful thanksgiving. That is, as we read the first verse of the passage, a blessing to God.

Actually, we use the word, and the idea of blessing, in our daily lives. We will say that “a child is certainly a blessing to their parents.” We celebrate rainfall with the words “what a blessing!” We are suggesting that someone, or something, is having an exceptionally positive effect.

God yearns for our blessings. He loves to hear His people celebrate the reality of His love and abundant care. God deserves to have His people, His children, lift up words of joyful recognition of Him in all of His glory. God deserves your blessings. Don’t be stingy with them. Shout them to Him in prayer. Sing them loudly in worship. Recite them boldly as the faithful gather.

Bless the Lord!
