Beautiful 08-01-23

Good morning. The blossom is beautiful. It is a bright purple in color, with lighter shades hinted at, but not easily seen. It stands near the bottom of a washed-out bit of land, surrounded by hundreds of others, each looking nearly the same. Together, they are quite breathtaking. Their beauty will soon fade. It was a rare cloudburst that encouraged the flowers to bloom in the desert, but by mid-afternoon the heat will return, and the lovely flowers will quickly fade away.

Is their beauty any less real because there was no person present to admire them? Is something only worthy of admiration if there is someone near to admire it? No, their beauty is not contingent on human eyes. No, that which is admirable is not lessened by the lack of an admirer.

“The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever.” Isaiah 40:8

Is God’s Word like a flower in the desert? Is it beautiful to behold when you are reading it, but forgotten like a wilted flower when you set it aside? I hope not.

The Word of God never fades, never wilts, never loses its power. It will remain forever, be true forever, teach us about God’s will forever, remind us of God’s love forever.

Please consider this today: God’s Word is not like a flower in the desert, but for it to remain at its most beautiful to you, it needs to be appreciated. For His Word to be truly beautiful in your life you need to keep it close and admire it often.

We should remember the testimony the Word of God shares regarding its own value and power: All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16

Be sure to take the time today to enjoy the beauty of God’s Word. It never falls, fails, or fades, but we can’t fully enjoy its value unless we open it and are open to it.
